A Handy (very limited) Pocket Guide to Revenge Goddesses

If one were to use witchcraft to oppose the current governmental regime–

–depending on one’s religion and/or heritage and/or vocation–

–here are four deities on which to meditate.

By Ellen the Red

Kapo, the Red Eel Woman

Kapo, the Red Eel Woman, of Hawaii/Tahiti: The Patron Goddess of abortion providers, Kapo is dominant over fertility, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, and death. Her vagina detaches and she can throw it at will, using it to distract attackers. She can break any hex, and appear in every form.



3' x 4' x 6'3


Lynn Weiler Liverton


Mistress Dread

Sekhmet, Mistress Dread, The One Before Whom Evil Flees, of Egypt: Sekhmet appears with a lion’s head, and her fiery breath created the desert. She rules over the blood of the human body. Pray to her for great acts of healing, and also pestilence for one’s enemies.

Art by

Andy Looz

Ezili Dantor,

Lwa, of Haiti

Ezili Dantor, Lwa, of Haiti: Through Vodou, Ezili Dantor is credited with starting, fighting, and winning the Haitian revolution. Appears with a child in one arm and a sword in the other hand. She defends single mothers, abused women, and their children with a particular passion. Summon her with offerings of cigarettes and dark rum.

Art by

Andre Hora


The Erinyes

The Erinyes, Furies, of Greece: The Erinyes, barking, blood-soaked, bat-winged, take injustice somewhat seriously. They tend to side with femme/maternal energy in a conflict. An invocation can be made to these Furies on behalf of a person or people who have been egregiously wronged. They will not stop hounding their targets with screaming insanity until reparations have been made. 

Art by

Boris Vallejo

About Ellen the Red

Ellen the Red is a fifteen-year professional tarot reader. Born-and-raised in St. Louis, MO, she can be best described as a cosmic river witch. (This means she 1: uses astrology to inform her magic and 2: needs a river nearby to function.) Tarot is her favorite practice to share with the public, and you can book with her thru ellenthered.appointlet.com


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